16.4 C
September 13, 2024
International Students House

Davis Peace Prize

International Students House

Projects for Peace was founded by Kathryn W. Davis, an American investor, painter, philanthropist, and political activist. On her 100th birthday, Kathryn initiated the Projects for Peace by awarding $1 million to the first 100 projects. Thes projects aim to positively impact people globally. The projects employ creative and innovative avenues to focus on conflict resolution, reconciliation, and building a global understanding that leads to lasting peace. The Davis family has continued this commitment and funds 100+ projects every year that contribute to global peace.

“There will always be conflict, but I’ll remind you that love, kindness, and support are also part of human nature. My challenge to you is to bring about a mindset of preparing for peace instead of preparing for war.”

– Kathryn Wasserman Davis 

ISH - Davis Projects for Peace

ISH residents, as members of International Houses World Wide, have successfully been awarded Projects for Peace since 2009. Since then ISH residents have been involved in leading over 28 projects across the globe; including projects in Poland, Uganda, India, Madagascar, USA, UK, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bolivia, Thailand, Lebanon, Rwanda, Ukraine, Sudan, Bangladesh, Japan, Romania and Nepal.


A list of projects led by ISH residents, organised by year can be found HERE

Peace Projects 2024!

In 2024, one ISH resident has been awarded funds for a Davis Peace Project

Digital Kala - Empowering Underprivileged Young Women through Digital Literacy

ISH resident Animesh Singh Basnet will be carrying out a project in Lalitpur, Nepal.

The aim of this project is to empower young women in Nepal to step into the tech field and help build their skills and confidence to venture into new spaces.

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