International Students House

ISH Student President

International Students House

Nominate your ISH Student President

Being ISH Student President is a fantastic opportunity to learn about and help influence decision-making at ISH. You’ll work with ISH Management and Board of Governors to gather student support, set priorities for ISH, and be key to the success of the Student Management Committee, keeping students informed and representing their views.

This is a voluntary position but any reasonable and necessarily incurred expenses will be reimbursed, eg travel expenses when representing ISH at external events.

Why become the ISH Student President?

Becoming the elected ISH Student President is a great way to:

  • Give students like you a voice on the issues that matter at ISH
  • Create positive change at ISH and beyond
  • Gain valuable transferable skills and enhance your CV

Once you’ve submitted your nomination, you will need to campaign, convincing fellow residents that you are the best candidate for the role. If successful, you will be elected for a 10-12-month term, depending on your course and length of stay at ISH.

The deadline to submit your nomination is Monday 6th November. You will be asked to answer the following question:

“What plans do you have to amplify the student voice and contribute to the continued delivery of an excellent student experience for all at ISH?”

(200 words max)

Deadline: MONDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2023

* For a nomination to be valid it needs a proposer and seconder as well as nominee’s consent*

Group of students in the park

The ISH Student President is an elected student representative who residents can approach for matters relating to their experience in the House. The Student President brings the independent views of students to the attention of International Students House (ISH) Management and Governors. Each academic year has an ISH Student President elected by ISH residents.


  1. Attend induction meetings with key ISH staff
  2. Attend relevant meetings that have a student experience focus, such as the ISH Board meeting (4 times a year at 16.30-18.30) Student Management Committee meeting (3 times a year, in the early evening)
  3. With the Resident Advisors, consult with student colleagues about strategic issues of concern to them and represent their views at meetings
  4. Meet the CEO, Dean of Student Life, Events and Student Experience Manager, Chair of ISH and Chair of Student Management Committee (once a term) and proactively maintain communication on issues relating to life at ISH
  5. Engage with activities within the House, helping to deliver a positive student experience
  6. Attend and speak at key social events, as requested by the Dean of Student Life
  7. Represent International Students House in a positive light on campus, supporting ISH University Membership, and attending events at partner universities, eg Freshers Fairs
  8. Engage with the annual resident feedback survey and encourage fellow residents to participate
  9. Identify areas of good practice, eg in Student Unions, and share these with ISH
  10. With the Resident Advisors, feedback information, actions and commitments from meetings to fellow residents
  11. Uphold and promote the vision, mission and values of International Students House

After being successfully elected

The first task of any ISH Student President is to inform the student body of their successful election, make themselves well-known to their peers and provide ways in which students can contact them in the future. They should also have a clear understanding of the structure of ISH and the different support services available to residents.

It is the ISH Student President’s primary role to represent the views of the student body at meetings with senior staff and the Board of Governors. Board meetings take place 4 times a year, usually on a Thursday afternoon from 16:30 until 18:30. Do not stand for election if other commitments will prevent you from attending this meeting.

Dates of upcoming Board Meetings:

  1. 7th December 2023 16:30-18:30
  2. 14th March 2024 16:30-18:30
  3. 26th September 2024 16:30-18:30
  4. 5th December 2024 16:30-18:30

Not only is the ISH Student President considered an important information facilitator by students, the ISH President is also often tasked by staff to relay information to their cohort. This may include reminders about events, upcoming maintenance work affecting the building etc, with support from RAs.