Blog Student Life TravelMy Study Experience in Japan: Sarah’s storyInternational Students HouseJanuary 31, 2023July 7, 2023 by International Students HouseJanuary 31, 2023July 7, 202302064 My fascination for the Japanese language and culture had its roots in growing up in a mixed-nationality family living in a multilingual Transylvanian city with...
Blog Student LifeHow one application changed my life: Trijan’s storyInternational Students HouseJanuary 24, 2023July 7, 2023 by International Students HouseJanuary 24, 2023July 7, 202301154 “My parents had no idea that I had applied for the scholarship, so they were shocked when my name was called out” I was never...
Student Life Student TipsHow to Deal with Exam StressInternational Students HouseJanuary 10, 2023October 26, 2023 by International Students HouseJanuary 10, 2023October 26, 202301647 It is normal to feel a bit worried about exams, especially if you’re under pressure from school or family. While some people like to believe...